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Muhammad Ali Shodiqin atau biasah di sapa dengan gusali gondrong merupakan seorang pimpinan di Pondok PesantrenRoudotun Ni’mah, yang bertempat di Semarang. Mafia Sholawat adalah aplikasi yang berisikumpulan lagu-lagu sholawatan yang dilantunkan oleh Gus AliGondrong. Hopefully with the presenceof MalayEnglish Dictionaryappcouldbeuseful forall of you whoare learningEnglishorMalay. The application does notrequire aninternetconnection(offline) MalayEnglish Dictionaryappcontainsatleast40000words.Thisdictionaryis suitableforeveryday usefor youall.Thisdictionaryhasseveral features, among others: It is spoken by 270 million people acrossthe Straitof Malacca, including the coasts of the Malay Peninsulaof Malaysiaand the eastern coast of Sumatra in Indonesia, and hasbeenestablished as a native language of part of western coastalSarawakand West Kalimantan in Borneo.Īs the Bahasa Kebangsaan or Bahasa Nasional (National Language)ofseveral states, Standard Malay has various official names.InSingapore and Brunei it is called Bahasa Melayu (Malaylanguage) in Malaysia, Bahasa Malaysia (Malaysian language) andinIndonesia, Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language) and isdesignatedthe Bahasa Persatuan/Pemersatu ("unifying language/linguafranca").However, in areas of central to southern Sumatra where thelanguageis indigenous, Indonesians refer to it as Bahasa Melayuandconsider it one of their regional languages.

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It has an official status in Brunei, Indonesia,Malaysia,and Singapore. Malay (/məˈleɪ/ Malay: Bahasa Melayu Jawialphabet: بهاس ملايو) is a major language of theAustronesianfamily.

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