Here is the long list of best torrent websites to download torrents. In this article, we will walk you through some top-rated torrent clients for Mac/ PC/ Android/iOS that will not only help you in downloading all kinds of torrent files swiftly and easily but will also come handy in the long run. No need to search far and wide, for we have got you covered. If you are one of those who are striving to take your pick from the innumerable brilliant torrent clients out there, then there is good news for you. This makes it daunting for an average user to take his pick from the best of the best. Each downloaded torrent software is distinct in looks and organization, exemplary features and has its own pros and cons.

Nevertheless, with a million torrent clients out there, selecting one that fits all your needs can be a tad bit challenging. Here are the best p2p applications for you. Although most peer to peer networks have be shutdown there still few out there to grab your favorite piece of software or movie. Prior to torrents, peer 2 peer networks were the most popular medium to download anything off internet.

iTransmission Torrent Client for iPhone.